Data Freedom Now: Affinidi Iota Framework Puts You In Control

Affinidi, a leader in data and identity management, is shaking things up in the world of data sharing. Their new Affinidi Iota framework, unveiled at the WeAreDevelopers World Congress, aims to revolutionize how we share our personal information.

The core principle of the IoTa framework is consent. Unlike traditional data-sharing methods that collect everything and store it, IoTa focuses on users granting explicit permission for each specific data point they share. This means more transparency and, importantly, more control over your personal information.

This framework isn’t just for biometric data (think fingerprints and iris scans), although it can certainly be used there. Affinidi Iota is designed to work with any verifiable credential, such as passports or driver’s licenses.

The system is built on open standards, making it developer-friendly. Affinidi provides user-friendly templates, tools, and a software development kit (SDK) to streamline the process of integrating Iota into applications. This is crucial for wider adoption and ensuring a smooth user experience.

The importance of user trust, particularly in the realm of biometrics, cannot be overstated. A recent study by PwC found that only 30% of consumers trust businesses to handle their data responsibly. By placing control in the user’s hands, Affinidi Iota offers a potential solution to this trust gap.

“The Affinidi Iota Framework… lays the groundwork for a future where every interaction is precisely tailored to individual preferences based on accurate and consented data,” says Roopesh Shah, co-founder and CTO of Gro Club, highlighting the potential for enhanced personalization.

So how does Iota work? It ditches the traditional model of bulk data collection and centralized storage. Instead, it leverages the Affinidi Vault, a decentralized data store controlled by the user. This approach minimizes the risk of data breaches and unauthorized access.

The technical backbone of Iota is built on two key standards: the DIF Presentation Exchange (PEX) protocol and OpenID for Verifiable Presentations (OID4VP). PEX acts as a standardized language for requesting and sharing data, while OID4VP provides a secure way to transport verifiable presentations (VPs). VPs are essentially digital containers that hold your personal data in a verifiable format.

“The Affinidi IoTa Framework represents a major step forward in safeguarding privacy and consent,” says Glenn Gore, CEO of Affinidi. By empowering users and prioritizing security, the IoTa framework has the potential to usher in a new era of data ownership and trust in the digital age.