Bitcoin Crypto
Bitcoin Crypto
  • 140,000 BTC, valued at approximately $9 billion, transferred from Mt. Gox to an unknown address in 13 transactions
  • Bitcoin price drops 1.4% as market anticipates potential selling pressure

In a significant move in the crypto world, the defunct Bitcoin exchange Mt. Gox has transferred over 140,000 bitcoins (BTC) worth about $9 billion to an unknown address. This series of transactions, initiated in the early Asian hours on Tuesday, marks the first time Mt. Gox has moved its assets from cold storage in over five years.

Market Reaction and Background

The market has responded with caution to these developments. Bitcoin, which had recently reached a high of over $70,000, dropped 1.4% to $67,680 following news of the transfer. Mt. Gox’s collapse in 2014, after losing hundreds of thousands of bitcoins in a hack, led to it becoming one of the biggest cautionary tales in the crypto industry. Since then, creditors have been eagerly awaiting repayment, which many fear could add significant selling pressure to BTC markets.

Nobuaki Kobayashi, the rehabilitation trustee overseeing the Mt. Gox case, clarified that the transferred bitcoins were not sold and are being managed securely. This recent transfer, he stated, is likely a part of the broader plan to distribute assets back to creditors by October 31, 2024.

Technical Details and Analysis

The transfer occurred in thirteen transactions, with the smallest being a test transaction of $3 on May 20, and the largest being approximately $2.2 billion worth of bitcoin. According to Bitinfocharts, all bitcoins have been consolidated into a single wallet address, “1JbezDVd9VsK9o1Ga9UqLydeuEvhKLAPs6.”

Julio Moreno, head of research at CryptoQuant, indicated that this move aligns with the distribution plan intended for Mt. Gox creditors. He believes that most of the transferred bitcoins will remain in the hands of creditors rather than being immediately sold in the open market. This sentiment was echoed by Alex Thorn, head of research at Galaxy, suggesting that the market might be overreacting to the potential impact of these transfers.

Implications for the Market

While the market is currently cautious, believing these transfers might lead to a sell-off, experts like Thorn and Moreno indicate that the majority of these bitcoins will not hit the market all at once. This assurance could mitigate some of the immediate selling pressure anticipated by the crypto community.


The movement of bitcoins from Mt. Gox’s wallets marks a critical milestone in the efforts to repay creditors. As the rehabilitation trustee continues to manage these assets, all eyes will be on how these bitcoins are ultimately distributed and whether they will indeed add to the selling pressure on Bitcoin markets. For now, the crypto community watches and waits to see how this story unfolds.

This latest development underscores the ongoing saga of Mt. Gox, reminding the industry of the importance of security and the complexities of managing such large-scale digital assets.

In summary, the transfer of $9 billion in Bitcoin from Mt. Gox’s cold wallets to a single address represents a significant step forward in the resolution of the Mt. Gox case. While it has caused some market jitters, experts believe that the majority of these bitcoins will not immediately flood the market, offering reassurance to concerned stakeholders.